


Find Treatment and Other Support Nearby

Find treatment and other support that works for you or your family/student by searching our treatment provider directory, our list of state coordinators and our list of support groups. Our treating professional directory is comprised of professionals from a wide range of locations and various specialties who work with individuals with SM. This directory is searchable by your location, whether you would like in person or telehealth services, and it is also searchable by language. Our State/International Coordinators are volunteers who provide support and help individuals and families locate resources, and support groups are also available–either in person or virtually. New resources are being added often, so be sure to view this page for a current listing of treatment and other support.

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Non-English Resources

SMA is committed to spreading information about selective mutism worldwide. That’s why we have translated our resources for SM into a number of languages and created documents on how to best help bilingual individuals with SM.

Explore Non-English Resources

Calendar of Events

The online calendar of events is a fast, easy way to check upcoming events, webinars, conferences, and other educational opportunities offered around the country. The calendar will be updated as new events are added.

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