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Emily Niemeyer, BCaBA
Whole Child Behavioral Support
Emily Niemeyer is a culturally sensitive and innovative behavioral health practitioner with demonstrated success working with children and teens with Selective Mutism, Social Anxiety, Autism Spectrum, and Depression. She has a recognized talent for taking a holistic approach to treatment,
creatively utilizing a diversity of behavioral therapeutic approaches including exposure based interventions, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and the principles of learning and behavior change. She uses art, play, and organic opportunities in the environment in both individual and small group settings to maximize treatment outcomes. She is a compassionate and empathetic listener who adeptly engages clients, their families, and broader treatment teams in the therapeutic process. She serves clients in Minnesota and other states offering office, in-home, community-based and telehealth visits with differing levels of intensity.
Emily leads with the assumption that each client she works with has inherent strengths and gifts that can be both emphasized and cultivated. She works with families, adults, and children with this primary goal: to help them experience meaningful relationships and fully participate in their families, schools, and communities. She is passionate about social development and connection in the teenage population and her programming enables tweens and teens to develop social confidence, self-advocacy skills, assertive communication, resilience, authenticity and improved peer relationships.
Emily received her bachelor's degree in Psychology from Wheaton College, IL in 2002 and completed her behavior analytic coursework at Florida Institute of Technology. She continues to collaborate with SM professionals around the globe and works under supervision of a licensed psychologist and BCBA-D while she works towards becoming a fully independent practitioner. Emily is an out-of-network provider, accepts HSA and offers superbills for insurance reimbursement.