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Joleen R. Fernald, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-CL

Joleen R. Fernald Pediatric Therapy Services

Joleen R. Fernald, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-CL is a speech language pathologist with expertise in the assessment and treatment of selective mutism (SM). She has worked for almost 30 years in schools and pediatric outpatient clinics and is the owner of a private practice which was the first multidisciplinary assessment and treatment center solely focused on SM. A Training Leader and Expert Provider, Joleen follows Greenspan and Wieder’s model, DIRFloortime® , when working with children and families. This comprehensive and holistic perspective considers the multiple comorbidities commonly associated with Selective Mutism including the social emotional challenges, individual differences such as speech and language, motor, and sensory processing challenges, as well as relationships with others besides caregivers. She has a special interest in the social emotional development of young children and its impact on their speech and language skills.

Personally, Joleen is a past president, secretary, and treasurer of the Selective Mutism Association. She and her husband enjoy traveling with their two daughters, the eldest of whom has overcome Selective Mutism.

Joleen R. Fernald Pediatric Therapy Services

Tampa Bay area of Florida

Also licensed in New Hampshire


Joleen R. Fernald, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-CL

NH License (0756) / FL License (SA 12821)

Contact Info:

2107 Gunn Highway
Odessa, Florida
United States
Visit Website
Licensed In: FL, NH
& In Person & TeleHealth
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