Search Our Directory of Treating Professionals
The following directory includes treating professionals who are a part of our community. Enter your information to access selective mutism support providers near you.
The following professionals have joined our SMA community. They represent various specialties that work with children and sometimes adults with selective mutism. SMA commends these professionals for taking an interest in treating or working with SM. The listings on this page can provide a source of referral information for those seeking a treating professional for selective mutism. SMA cannot, however, specifically endorse treating providers and reminds people to carefully qualify any professional before beginning treatment.
Don’t see a treating professional in your area? CLICK HERE to learn more about how to find a treating professional who can help.
Connect with State & International Coordinators
Our state coordinators are here to provide support and help locate resources based on their personal experience or from other families living with SM in their area. Find your state coordinator today.

Discover Local Support Groups
Interested in joining a local SM support group? Our support groups meet in person or virtually throughout the year. See if there is a support group near you.
Access Our Resources
Looking for more information about selective mutism? Discover our resources to find relevant information about living with, treating, and diagnosing SM.

Join Our Directory
Treating professionals who join the Selective Mutism Association gain access to our listserv and discussion board, referral system, speaking opportunities, and so much more. If you’re a qualifying professional looking to increase awareness and learn more about treating SM, join us.