Families & Individuals

    & Individuals

    We’re here to help you or someone you know find the information and resources you need.

HomeFamilies & Individuals

Living with Selective Mutism

If you or your child have difficulty communicating in public situations but have no trouble speaking at home, selective mutism may be present. While an SM diagnosis needs to come from a trained professional, we’re here to help provide you with the support and resources you need. Whether you’re in the early stages of diagnosis or if you’re continuing treatment, know that you’re not alone and that you have a community of support.

    Find Support and Resources Nearby

    SMA connects treating professionals and families to increase support for children and individuals with selective mutism. Discover SM support groups, treating professionals, and state coordinators in your area.

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News and Articles

Browse our expansive collection of resources for information and tips for managing Selective Mutism. All of our resources are based on scientific, peer-reviewed research.

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Hear Our Voices

Connect with individuals, families, treating professionals, educators, and more who are sharing their stories and experiences with SM.

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Access Research Studies

Research is vital in understanding, supporting, and treating selective mutism. To help us better understand this disorder, we need more individual and research-based support. Learn more about participating in research studies to support SM.

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Read Our FAQs

Whether you’re a parent, caregiver, or individual living with selective mutism, there are a lot of questions about this disorder. We’ve compiled our most-asked questions and answers for you to learn more about SM.

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Our Mission

Learn more about how you can support our mission and stay connected to the Selective Mutism Association.


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