

Mighty Mouth Kids – New Jersey (MMK-NJ) Selective Mutism Camp for Children Ages 3 to 8

Caring Cove- Chatham, NJMMK-NJ is a 5-day SM camp based on the MMK model developed by Dr. Steven Kurtz.  Our camp replicates a school/camp setting with a 1:1 counselor to camper ratio. Campers will practice brave talking in indoor and outdoor activities. They will have the opportunity to enjoy snacks and lunch with peers, practice… Continue reading Mighty Mouth Kids – New Jersey (MMK-NJ) Selective Mutism Camp for Children Ages 3 to 8

Selective Mutism Camp COAP in Austin, TX for Ages 4 and 8

Capital OCD and Anxiety Practice (COAP)Children with Selective Mutism ranging between ages  4 and 8 years old. Our Selective Mutism Camp offers children intensive support over a 3-day period to boost their skills and success potential before school starts. This camp replicates a school setting to practice brave speaking opportunities, or speech exposures, to prepare for… Continue reading Selective Mutism Camp COAP in Austin, TX for Ages 4 and 8


CommuniCamp™ is 3+ Day program treating Selective Mutism, Social Anxiety, and extreme shyness by using Social Communication Anxiety Treatment® (S-CAT®), the evidence-based treatment approach created by world-renowned Selective Mutism expert, Dr. Elisa… Continue reading CommuniCamp™