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Recorded Access to the Online Selective Mutism Association Annual Conference 2021

We had many requests for continued access and registration to our virtual annual conference which was held October 2021 and we are excited to now be able to offer recording only access! Register now for instant access to watch all recorded sessions from the professional, caregiver and individuals with SM track. The Keynote Address, Hear… Continue reading Recorded Access to the Online Selective Mutism Association Annual Conference 2021

Online Selective Mutism Kiddos Group Ages 4 to 7

Kurtz Psychology 57 W 57th St, New York

Location: ZoomAges/audience: 4 through 7-year-olds with selective mutism and/or social anxietyDescription: Our group interventions at Kurtz Psychology incorporate evidence-based approaches with engaging and relevant activities to target your child’s increased verbalizations and interactions with adults and peers in a virtual setting. Each week we will practice taking attendance, reviewing the date & weather, and participating… Continue reading Online Selective Mutism Kiddos Group Ages 4 to 7