Public Events
Recorded Access to the Online Selective Mutism Association Annual Conference 2021
We had many requests for continued access and registration to our virtual annual conference which was held October 2021 and we are excited to now be able to offer recording only access! Register now for instant access to watch all recorded sessions from the professional, caregiver and individuals with SM track. The Keynote Address, Hear… Continue reading Recorded Access to the Online Selective Mutism Association Annual Conference 2021
Online Selective Mutism Training Institute
Fully VirtualProgram OverviewThe Selective Mutism Training Institute (SMTI) is an in-depth 2-day training course for professionals working with children diagnosed with selective mutism (SM). The workshop is intensive, and skills-based with the goal of increasing competence in providing empirically-supported treatment of SM to professionals with beginner and intermediate exposure and skills in assessing and treating SM.… Continue reading Online Selective Mutism Training Institute