Location: Kurtz Psychology Consulting, 57 West 57th Street, Suite 1007, NY, NY 10019Ages/audience: 3 through 7-year-olds with selective mutism and/or social anxietyDescription: Our group interventions at Kurtz Psychology incorporate evidence-based… Continue reading Selective Mutism Kiddos Group Ages 3 to 7
Location: ZoomAges/audience: 4 through 7-year-olds with selective mutism and/or social anxietyDescription: Our group interventions at Kurtz Psychology incorporate evidence-based approaches with engaging and relevant activities to target your child’s increased… Continue reading Online Selective Mutism Kiddos Group
Virtual ConferenceThe Selective Mutism Association is excited to announce that, in the interest of public health, our annual conference will be held this year in a fully-virtual format! The conference will be a one- and a half day conference and will be held on October 2 and 3, 2021. We are excited that this virtual… Continue reading Online Selective Mutism Association Annual Conference 2021
Location: Kurtz Psychology Consulting, 57 West 57th Street, Suite 1007, NY, NY 10019Ages/audience: 3 through 7-year-olds with selective mutism and/or social anxietyDescription: Our group interventions at Kurtz Psychology incorporate evidence-based… Continue reading Selective Mutism Kiddos Group Ages 3 to 7
SMA’s Founder and Director Emeritus, Dr. Elisa Shipon-Blum and her team, uses her evidence-based treatment approach, Social Communication Anxiety Treatment® (S-CAT®), at the SMart Center’s CommuniCamp™ 3+ day Intensive Group Treatment and Parent Training Program to help children, tweens, and teens ages 3-17 with Selective Mutism, social anxiety, and extreme shyness.Based on 20+ years of clinical… Continue reading CommuniCamp™ Intensive Group Treatment & Parent Training and Support Program
Location: ZoomAges/audience: 4 through 7-year-olds with selective mutism and/or social anxietyDescription: Our group interventions at Kurtz Psychology incorporate evidence-based approaches with engaging and relevant activities to target your child’s increased… Continue reading Online Selective Mutism Kiddos Group Ages 4 to 7
Location: Kurtz Psychology Consulting, 57 West 57th Street, Suite 1007, NY, NY 10019Ages/audience: 3 through 7-year-olds with selective mutism and/or social anxietyDescription: Our group interventions at Kurtz Psychology incorporate evidence-based approaches with engaging and relevant activities to target your child’s increased verbalizations and interactions with adults and peers. Each week we will practice taking attendance,… Continue reading Selective Mutism Kiddos Group Ages 3 to 7
Location: ZoomAges/audience: 4 through 7-year-olds with selective mutism and/or social anxietyDescription: Our group interventions at Kurtz Psychology incorporate evidence-based approaches with engaging and relevant activities to target your child’s increased verbalizations and interactions with adults and peers in a virtual setting. Each week we will practice taking attendance, reviewing the date & weather, and participating… Continue reading Online Selective Mutism Kiddos Group Ages 4 to 7
WE ARE EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE WILL BE OFFERING ONLINE SELECTIVE MUTISM GROUPS!Weekly online sessions will provide needed continued services for individuals with Selective Mutism (SM) that have difficulties speaking in certain settings. Groups will offer interactive, engaging activities to promote speaking in a new environment and with new individuals, and they will be… Continue reading Online or In-Person Selective Mutism Groups – Call for Dates