Mighty Mouth Kids – New Jersey (MMK-NJ) Selective Mutism Camp for Children Age 3 to 8
Caring Cove- Chatham, NJMMK-NJ is a 5-day SM camp based on the MMK model developed by Dr. Steven Kurtz. Our camp replicates a school/camp setting with a 1:1 counselor to… Continue reading Mighty Mouth Kids – New Jersey (MMK-NJ) Selective Mutism Camp for Children Age 3 to 8
Mighty Mouth Kids – New Jersey (MMK-NJ) Selective Mutism Camp for Children Ages 3 to 8
Caring Cove- Chatham, NJMMK-NJ is a 5-day SM camp based on the MMK model developed by Dr. Steven Kurtz. Our camp replicates a school/camp setting with a 1:1 counselor to… Continue reading Mighty Mouth Kids – New Jersey (MMK-NJ) Selective Mutism Camp for Children Ages 3 to 8
Littles Selective Mutism Group in New York, NY
Actively enrolling; please call 212-658-0110 or email smgroup@kurtzpsychology.com if you are interested in joining.Our group intervention at Kurtz Psychology incorporates evidence-based approaches with engaging and relevant activities to target your child’s increased verbalizations and interactions with adults and peers. Each week we will practice taking attendance, reviewing the date & weather, and participating in an activity. Each child’s individual goals will… Continue reading Littles Selective Mutism Group in New York, NY