Selective Mutism Training Institute for Professionals
As of 4/22/2023, we have reached capacity and closed registration. Please consider attending our annual conference in October 2023 for further information for professionals. Registration coming soon.The Selective Mutism Training Institute (SMTI) is an in-depth 2-day training course for professionals working with children diagnosed with selective mutism (SM). The workshop is intensive, and skills-based with… Continue reading Selective Mutism Training Institute for Professionals
Early Childhood Community Fair
Thames River Magnet SchoolGroton, CTThere will be many organizations and this event will be combined with several other regular annual events (e.g. Car seat checks, bicycle helmet fittings, CHIPs fingerprints, etc.). There will be door prizes, kid activity stations, a selfie station, Heather and her police dog Chase, local libraries, many childcare providers & preschools,… Continue reading Early Childhood Community Fair