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Junhua Wang Reitman, Senior Psychological Consultant; Master of Psychology


Junhua Wang Reitman is a Senior Psychological Consultant specializing in helping parents and teachers of children with selective mutism (SM). Her journey with SM began out of a profound desire to support her daughter, Amelia, who grappled with and eventually overcame SM. Over the past decade, Junhua and her team have meticulously developed online courses tailored for parents, children with SM, teachers, and therapists. They've also translated a plethora of SM resources into Chinese, including 5 pivotal books on the subject. These efforts have positively impacted thousands of families, concurrently raising awareness about SM.

As the founder of the Chinese Selective Mutism Association ( and SunnyMindED SM Center, Junhua actively cultivates community engagement by organizing periodic SM-related online lectures and discussions. She spearheads an online support group for parents of children with SM, which boasts over 1500 members worldwide. Collaborating closely with SM experts, Junhua has contributed significantly to SM literature and coaching practices including organizing and setting up camp for parents and counselors on a regular basis. She co-authored The SM Workbook for Parents and Professionals: Small Steps Big Changes and Supporting Your Child with SM: A Practical Guide for School, Home, and in the Community.

Central to Junhua and her team's intervention approach is empowering parents and teachers to collaborate effectively, forming a supportive triangle encompassing school, home, and the community, establishing buddy systems both within and outside of school settings, emphasizing the significance of parents as advocates. This approach also emphasizes understanding the intervention roadmap, navigating communication stages, utilizing effective talking formulas, and considering the five factors for playdates and the five factors for activities. Countless success stories underscore that overcoming SM within a year or so is no longer merely a dream.

王俊华·瑞特曼(Junhua Wang Reitman)是一位专业的选择性缄默症(选缄)治疗专家,专注于督导选择性缄默症孩子的家长和教师。她的选缄之旅最初始于对女儿艾米的支持,艾米最终成功克服了选缄。在过去的十多年里,俊华和她的团队精心开发了针对家长、选缄儿童和青少年、教师和治疗师的在线课程。他们还将大量选缄相关资源翻译成中文,包括五本重要的选缄书籍。这些工作不仅帮助了数以千计的家庭,同时也提高了人们对选缄的认识。



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US Phone number 美国电话: 908 420 3507

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