
HomeResourcesVideosMaximizing Cognitive and Behavioral Interventions for Selective Mutism

Maximizing Cognitive and Behavioral Interventions for Selective Mutism

Recorded March 25, 2021
For parents and treating professionals

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has robust research support in the treatment of many anxiety conditions, and as a result, is utilized by many clinical and school-based professionals with individuals with Selective Mutism. However, these strategies can be challenging to apply with a client who does not readily speak in session. In this webinar, Katelyn Reed, MS, LLP will discuss how to maximize cognitive and behavioral interventions for use with clients with Selective Mutism. A particular emphasis will be placed on the use of exposure therapy and the specific skills that are used to facilitate speech. This program is intended for both parents and professionals. Although the webinar was pre-recorded, a live Q&A with the speaker will be held after the showing.

Speaker: Katelyn Reed, MS, LLP

Though Katelyn is well-versed in treating a variety of pediatric mental health concerns, she is particularly passionate about helping children with Selective Mutism (and their families) to grow in their bravery and find their voices. Katelyn is the Director of Selective Mutism treatment at Thriving Minds Behavioral Health in Brighton and Chelsea, MI. Because SM is a little-known condition, parent- and school-education is considered an integral component to treatment to ensure that others who surround the child know how to best support the child in their growing bravery. Katelyn also serves as the Co-Director for the Confident Kids Camp (CKC) program and recently developed the CKC curriculum for teens. She is a proud member of the Board of Directors for the Selective Mutism Association (SMA), a role she has had since 2017.